Error message

Deprecated function: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in league_chess_diff_players() (line 170 of sites/all/modules/custom/league/modules/league_chess/

Players that differ from the Chess Scotland list

First NameLast NamePNUMWarningsName DifferenceDOB DifferenceSex DifferenceNew Club
CampbellFraser39803 Glasgow Polytechnic (PY)
RonnieAgnew30141 Bearsden (BD)
DaniAnderson182641 Hamilton (HA)
AshAngappan304973Ashwathy Angappan FQueens Park (QP)
Philip L RBlaber32051 Giffnock (GI)
CarstenBolln153931 Renfrewshire (RS)
DavidBorland185471 Hamilton (HA)
Ian GBrownlee33231 Stepps (SP)
J StuartCallison33901 Bearsden (BD)
Bachar Hassan Chami304522 MStrathclyde University (SC)
RobertChilds169341 Hamilton (HA)
StephenConnor76171 Paisley (PA)
AbhinavDatta235891 Giffnock (GI)
DavidDeary132821 Bellshill (BH)
DanielDeary220971 Bellshill (BH)
MatthewDeighan298781 East Kilbride (EK)
HarveyDellanzo-Stewart258122Harvey Dellanzo Queens Park (QP)
KanishDholakia292652 MPhones (PO)
ScottDonaldson37631 Hamilton (HA)
MarekDziobek301562 MGiffnock (GI)
Jonathan CFallman285141 Strathclyde University (SC)
AntoniosFloros39521 Giffnock (GI)
Krishiv Ganesh305491 Phones (PO)
DanielGillatt313521 Glasgow Polytechnic (PY)
Philip MGiulian40931 Giffnock (GI)
Rosie AGiulian40941 Giffnock (GI)
GregGourlay89302Greig Gourlay Paisley (PA)
Stewart RGray243571 East Kilbride (EK)
Andrew NGreet216751 Bearsden (BD)
MangeshHasabnis310481 Giffnock (GI)
YushuHuang309691 Paisley (PA)
JoeJordan167941 Giffnock (GI)
ScottKilgour181661 Giffnock (GI)
Lennart Koehn233861 Strathclyde University (SC)
SagarKukreja304662 MQueens Park (QP)
LeoLi302481 Phones (PO)
DavidLonie47201 Giffnock (GI)
NeevLukhi282951 Phones (PO)
AndrewMacQueen48151 Giffnock (GI)
AndrewMcCulloch173971 Giffnock (GI)
AlastairMcIntyre50981 Glasgow Polytechnic (PY)
HarryMcKay235011 Giffnock (GI)
JonathanMcKay245461 Strathclyde University (SC)
PeterMacLanachan85672Peter McLanachan Paisley (PA)
Jordan JMcNaught302081 Strathclyde University (SC)
AdvikMittal294441 Phones (PO)
JoeMoakler322672Joseph Moakler Glasgow Polytechnic (PY)
ChrisMonk301732Chris J Monk Bearsden (BD)
George BMoultrie53941 Paisley (PA)
ChristopherNield289341 Strathclyde University (SC)
Alex IanNisbet126891 East Kilbride (EK)
TomO`Connell223232Tom O'Connell Bellshill (BH)
PatO`Hanlon299892Pat O'Hanlon Bellshill (BH)
PrachiPardeshi293681 Phones (PO)
CooperPatterson258491 Bellshill (BH)
VagifRamazanov221921 Strathclyde University (SC)
JoeRedpath83501 Hamilton (HA)
StephenRettie57631 Phones (PO)
TusharRoul293661 Phones (PO)
Jake MSanger225511 Strathclyde University (SC)
DanielSavidge314991 Phones (PO)
Iain AShields301271 Phones (PO)
JacintSitkei311522 MPhones (PO)
RichardSmart302941 Hamilton (HA)
EwelinaSpilkowska288892 UBellshill (BH)
Alastair GStewart61141 East Kilbride (EK)
WullSwales304932 MQueens Park (QP)
PhilThomas159711 Renfrewshire (RS)
J Craig TThomson62491 East Kilbride (EK)
Aatish PVenkatesan295762 UGiffnock (GI)
DuncanWalker63361 Hamilton (HA)
AidenWatret305632Aidan Watret Renfrewshire (RS)
Richard AWeames64241 Giffnock (GI)
HanhanWen315143Junhan Wen MBearsden (BD)
CameronWilson203891 Giffnock (GI)