TAFCA - New Players

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NamePNUMPlayer List
A Crockett3637Perth
A MacDonald4760Perth
A Taylor6192St Andrews
A M Dixon3736St Andrews
A Miss Clepper3531St Andrews
A Stephen Greig4194Kirkcaldy
Abdesh Sayakhov21110Dundee
Abigail Queen21879Perth
Adam W Hall6653Perth
Alan Brown29013
Alan Chatila13990Perth
Alan Petrie5624Dundee
Alan Riddell6968St Andrews
Alex Smythe17311Perth
Alex Wallace7602Castlehill
Alexander Brown3290
Alexander Clark12507Dundee
Alexander Kidd25497Castlehill
Alexander Roberts21456Perth
Alexander H Weston6439Castlehill
Alexander S Collie3557Perth
Ali Jawad7364Dundee
Alistair Jarvie15146Perth
Alistair Lightbody17444Perth
Alistair MacDonald10130Perth
Alistair MacGilvary5053Castlehill
Alistair Primmer23995St Andrews
Allan Greenshields4190Kirkcaldy
Allen W J R Smith7393Castlehill
Aloke Varma6321St Andrews
Aluna Rizzoli24923St Andrews
Aman Syed6177Castlehill
Andrea Gasperetti24766Castlehill
Andrejs Budahs25251
Andres Aguila29491
Andrew Akeroyd3024St Andrews
Andrew Cairns3379
Andrew Cheuk3491Perth
Andrew Johnston12978Castlehill
Andrew Morrison14933Dundee
Andrew Paulin11841Castlehill
Andrew Sutton14179Dundee
Andrew Thake6222St Andrews
Andrew Wood12549Castlehill
Andrew C Morrison11690Dundee
Andrew D Kilgariff4587Perth
Andrew N Gibb4048Castlehill
Angus Connelly11692
Anish Chaudhuri27316
Annan A Galloway4021Kirkcaldy
Anthony Saunders7116Castlehill
Anthony D B Wilkinson18557Kirkcaldy
Anya Garrow25393Perth
Austin MacPhee4813Castlehill
B Lindsay4693Perth
B Singh5998St Andrews
B R McTaggart5231Dundee
Barrie Fraser11142Castlehill
Barry Stephenson11821Perth
Barry Thompson7109Perth
Ben Gordon13387Perth
Ben J Jenkins4483Kirkcaldy
Bernard Randall8827St Andrews
Beth Langlands22263Perth
Bob Robertson13261Kirkcaldy
Boyd MacCamon4949Dundee
Bradley Ronan17862Perth
Brian Clark6870Perth
Brian Reid5731Castlehill
Brian C Tait6181Castlehill
Bruce Darby7610Dundee
Bruce Malcolm4846Dundee
Bruce Robertson7106Perth
Bruce S Elder3840
C Baty3147Dundee
C Harathalu4252Perth
C Little4700St Andrews
C R Donoghue3770Dundee
Callum Asher14485Perth
Callum Laing15100Perth
Calum Ironside9978Dundee
Calum Pretious19642Perth
Cameron Glass28321Newport Knights
Cameron A Low4727Castlehill
Campbell Roberts21459Perth
Carol Ryan16423Perth
Carol A Heggie4316Kirkcaldy
Cathal O`Kane16636Castlehill
Catriona Stevenson6664Perth
Charles Hunter4419St Andrews
Chris Elsden12585Perth
Chris Hutton8984Dundee
Christie Dolan6920Perth
Christopher Gilmore10675Perth
Chuck W Lee4673St Andrews
Claire Officer15694Perth
Colin Edwards16099
Colin Hughes8694St Andrews
Colin A MacGourty10136St Andrews
Colin L Jack4464Castlehill
Colin P Hall8712Perth
Colin R MacLellan5177Dundee
Connor Carter16260Perth
Conor Ferry26721Perth
Craig Alexander11694Perth
Craig Kennedy14055Perth
Craig Meikle17315Perth
Craig A Hutchison4436Kirkcaldy
Craig S Nicol5485Castlehill
D Thomson6240Perth
D Woolrich6538Kirkcaldy
D D Grossett4209Dundee
Da-Foo Chung3503
Dan Baker14194Perth
Daniel Kennedy14061Perth
Daniel Rocks16927Castlehill
Daniel Ronan17395Castlehill
Daniel Thompson26570Castlehill
Darrell Collings13179
Darryl Dick15144Perth
Dave Fitzsimmons3939Kirkcaldy
Dave R Reid5734Castlehill
David Bonar13880
David Crowe3645
David Cumming16812Dundee
David Duncan9719Perth
David Hammond16741Castlehill
David Husband4430Dundee
David Johnston4496Castlehill
David MacAulay14187Perth
David Peggie5609Perth
David Robertson16740Dundee
David Sandilands10396Perth
David A Gibb4049Perth
David D A Lawson4666Dundee
David G Cowling3618Perth
David H Dempster3709Kirkcaldy
David I Patrick13587Dundee
David J Campbell3412Perth
David J Morrison11223Castlehill
David L Kleppang4612Castlehill
Derek Butler3371St Andrews
Derek Curzon8800
Derek Gillespie7398Castlehill
Derrick Goddard7773Kirkcaldy
Des O`Neill21646Perth
Dmitriy Payada22847Castlehill
Dominic O`Rourke8604Dundee
Dominic R Beedie3163
Donald Holms6921Perth
Donald MacRae4816Castlehill
Douglas Harvey4288Perth
Douglas Knight4615Castlehill
Douglas MacAndrew4926St Andrews
Douglas G Leslie4687Kirkcaldy
Duncan Chan8364Perth
Duncan McCall16416Castlehill
E Boyd3248Dundee
E Gollnick4111Dundee
E Rode5834Dundee
Edmond A Horn6578Perth
Edward Wright6546Castlehill
Eric R J Gibb8852Castlehill
Ernest Tang7172Perth
Euan MacKenzie14048Perth
Euan Riddoch14496Perth
Eugen Biller26233St Andrews
Evan A Wood11476Castlehill
Ewan Miles17387Perth
Ewan J Gourlay4142Perth
Fergus MacCurley4999Dundee
Finlay Nelson19745Perth
Fiona Elder3841Dundee
Fiona Stevenson6745Perth
Fiona Wright6730Perth
Francisco Antonio-Alfonso24280St Andrews
Frank Hillis11691Castlehill
Frankie McDonald14217Perth
Fred Duffy8156Kirkcaldy
G Harvey4289Perth
G Ramage5709Dundee
Gabriel Luc16221Dundee
Gavin Gerard Burton3366
Geoffrey Hall13479Perth
Geoffrey Hillyard18979Castlehill
Geoffrey Myers5448Dundee
George Robertson7418Castlehill
George Robertson17303Perth
George Alex Burton3367
George B L Wanless6370Castlehill
George D Pyrich5692Kirkcaldy
George K Higgins4347Castlehill
Gordon Boyle3255
Gordon MacLean11995Castlehill
Gordon Stead19475Perth
Graeme Curtis3668Perth
Graeme MacKenzie4793Dundee
Graham Duff21990Dundee
Graham Flett7750
Graham Lee14645St Andrews
Graham Rylance5889Perth
Grant Davis3694
Grant Law4660Dundee
Greg Dand8821
Guillaume Poss27286St Andrews
Gunnar Jacob17712Castlehill
H N Chandrashekara3484Perth
Hamish Forrester7764Dundee
Harry Turner21599St Andrews
Helder Aboim20783
Henry Briscoe3282St Andrews
Hugh Gourlay4143Perth
I Majid4842St Andrews
I F Brown3308Perth
Iain Brown22341Perth
Iain Mackintosh7111Perth
Iain Winter9954Castlehill
Ian Clark11245Dundee
Ian Kerr4574Kirkcaldy
Ian A McNab5192Castlehill
Ian G Gibb4051Castlehill
Ian G Morris10280Kirkcaldy
Ian R K Petrie5627Perth
Ian W S Mitchell5302Perth
Ify Mordi7781St Andrews
Iwo Labuda28459Perth
J Boyack3243Dundee
J Clayton3529Perth
J Doig3755Dundee
J Firth3929Kirkcaldy
J Poots5665St Andrews
J Rollo5842Dundee
J B Stephenson15041Perth
J J Sanderson5895St Andrews
J M Schultz5911St Andrews
J V Scalo5903St Andrews
Jack Becher19494Perth
Jack Hobhouse17316Perth
Jack Hogg25846Perth
Jack Turner22351St Andrews
Jacob Mackenzie16314Perth
Jade Gourlay21454Perth
Jake Proctor28135Castlehill
James Collins8721
James Reilly5755Castlehill
James (Snr) McCluskey4966Castlehill
James L Pearson8793Perth
James N Falconer3870Perth
James R Chalmers3476Dundee
James R Ward6375St Andrews
Jamie Hookham15325Perth
Jason White15006Perth
Jean Chalmers3475Dundee
Jeff J Sanderson10135St Andrews
Jennifer Mitchell15150Perth
Jeremy Duncan3805Perth
Jim Morrow14197Kirkcaldy
Jim S Smith8820Castlehill
Joanne Nicoll17299Perth
John Brannigan14771Perth
John Burney3353Kirkcaldy
John Clark13273Dundee
John Galloway13262Perth
John Jenkins4485Perth
John Kelly16809Dundee
John MacGowan11860Castlehill
John Mahon4832Castlehill
John Wilman6800Castlehill
John Alex (mi) Findlay8515
John C Fell3889Perth
John C MacMillan5187St Andrews
John Charles Robertson6990Dundee
John David Coull6838Perth
John J Justice4516Dundee
John M Edwards24925St Andrews
John M Evans3856
Jonathan Holmes7579Perth
Jonathan T King4599Dundee
Joseph Brannigan14772Perth
K Wanless6371Dundee
Katie McKenna16565Perth
Katy Louise Stewart7586Perth
Keith Morrow7458Castlehill
Kenneth Greig6631Kirkcaldy
Kenneth Morran5356Kirkcaldy
Kenneth A Wilson6509Perth
Kevin Caldow3386Perth
Kevin Falconer3871Dundee
Kevin Holmes4372Perth
Kevin Martin17076Dundee
Kevin T Boyd9984
Kim Ah-See27481
Kirsty Stevenson7741Perth
Laura Beaton14138Perth
Laura Clark12823Dundee
Laura Ryan16424Perth
Lawrence Hayes16404Perth
Lawrence Sword12568Perth
Leonardo Sani22274Castlehill
Les I Milligan5277Castlehill
Lewis Foggie27375
Lewis Thomson8512Perth
Lewis C Johns14234Perth
Liam Baldwin15000Perth
Louise McDonald14214Perth
Ludo Findlay17384Perth
Luis Allada27521
Lynsey Shovlin11144Perth
M Farouhar3878Dundee
M Holmes4373Dundee
M Hunter4424Dundee
M Murray5438Perth
M Reuser5764St Andrews
M Thomson6252Kirkcaldy
M C Mrs Jackson4469Dundee
Manfred Reuser8505St Andrews
Marco Aboim20784
Marcus Wilson17317Perth
Maria Gonzalez Campos24868Castlehill
Mark Anderson14499Perth
Mark Benbow13291Perth
Mark Dycher28449Newport Knights
Mark MacAulay14218Perth
Mark Munro7366Dundee
Mark Murray26985Kirkcaldy
Mark White6453Castlehill
Martha Greeves19483Perth
Martin Jackson8802Castlehill
Martin MacDonald14243Perth
Martin O`Brien8792Perth
Martin Ryan19733Perth
Martin Seibold5932St Andrews
Martin M Chalmers3477Castlehill
Matt Harris27744Kirkcaldy
Matthew Weir12763
Matthew Winn8795Kirkcaldy
Matthew J F Cairns3384
Matthew Sean Jenkins19485Perth
Max Findlay17385Perth
Melanie Hall6654Perth
Michael Duke16811
Michael Gray15494Castlehill
Michael MacIntyre14509Perth
Michael Ross14704Perth
Michael Taylor7589St Andrews
Michael B Tait6185Castlehill
Michael C Grayson4180Kirkcaldy
Mik J Hewitt9953Castlehill
Miro Domosud27661Kirkcaldy
Mitchell Rologas10492St Andrews
Moloy Das3675
Murray Fox3975Castlehill
N Lyall4738Dundee
N McDowell5021Dundee
Nader Abdel-Fattah3002
Nat Mackenzie16311Perth
Nathaniel Clark23978St Andrews
Neil Gunstone4218Castlehill
Neil Paterson5586Perth
Neil Stephenson14600Perth
Neil Taylor7798Kirkcaldy
Neil G Brown3316Perth
Niall Borwell10624Perth
Nicholas J Thomas6225Castlehill
Nick Fuller13258Castlehill
Nicky L M MacLean6659Perth
Nigel Whyte7385Dundee
Nigel L Heath4311St Andrews
Nina Fugaccia4001Castlehill
Norman Morrison9971Castlehill
Norrie Ferrie3910Dundee
P Ashton3080St Andrews
P Bonsell3235Perth
P Burns3360Dundee
P Dean3701St Andrews
P Hurtado7360St Andrews
P Lane4640St Andrews
P McIntosh5096St Andrews
P Monin5323St Andrews
P Raftery5706St Andrews
P J C Anderson3054
Patrick Aspinall-Bailey28835Newport Knights
Patrick J Moir5316Perth
Paul Fletcher8797Perth
Paul Jarvie16580Perth
Paul McLennan16207Perth
Paul Shafi12506Castlehill
Paul Simpson18889Castlehill
Paul Strachan6146Castlehill
Paul A Chalmers3478
Paul A MacArthur7749Castlehill
Paul A Officer12914Dundee
Paul J Adam10131Perth
Pavlo Bazilinskyy24283St Andrews
Perry B Grant4172Perth
Peter Constantinou21450St Andrews
Peter Godfrey-McKay24598Perth
Peter Makarchuk12979Dundee
Peter Popp8826St Andrews
Peter J Romilly5843Dundee
Peter W Walsh6368Dundee
Philip H Gerlach4047Dundee
R Harathalu4253Perth
R Nicholson5484St Andrews
R Spiers6073Dundee
R Tait6187Perth
R Truesdale6304Dundee
R Douglas Cain3378
R M N Khan4582Dundee
Randhir Koli4620Castlehill
Rashid Lawal21193Castlehill
Raymond R Madey4828Dundee
Rebecca Donaldson16396Perth
Rhiannon McLean19491Perth
Richard W Weston6442Castlehill
Ricky L Jones9820Castlehill
Rob Goodfellow7359Dundee
Robert Brignall7580Perth
Robert Finlay3924Kirkcaldy
Robert Gow4148Castlehill
Robert Harkins4266St Andrews
Robert Hay15159Perth
Robert Michie5250Castlehill
Robert Robertson12505Dundee
Robert E Clapham3509
Roderick MacDonald7173Perth
Ronald Guild4211Castlehill
Ronald Y MacDonald8097Castlehill
Rosemary Patterson25829Perth
Ross Angus13289Perth
Ross MacKenzie14793Perth
Ross J Lockhart4711Castlehill
Roy Perrie5618Kirkcaldy
Roy Sneddon6062Perth
Roy L Murray5440Perth
Rudy Wadoux24281St Andrews
Ryan Dunnett8786Perth
S Moodie5337Kirkcaldy
S Robertson5822St Andrews
S Ward6380St Andrews
S A Murray5444Dundee
S Charles S Abraham3003
Sam Gower19345St Andrews
Sam Wilson17318Perth
Samuel Kearns23571Castlehill
Scott Balfour3105Perth
Scott Duckett8801Dundee
Scott Forsyth3965Kirkcaldy
Sean Cumming16309Perth
Sergey Tin23164St Andrews
Simon Cohen3552
Simon O`Grady24569Perth
Simon Robbins5791Perth
Sneha Sripada26269Castlehill
Sophie Stillwell19119Perth
Srikanta Sharma24222Castlehill
Stephen Hall16517Perth
Stephen Jarvie15147Perth
Stephen Lee4679Castlehill
Stephen Peterkin8759Castlehill
Stephen Smith14054Perth
Steven Pratt17312Perth
Steven Shanks8718Castlehill
Steven A Anderson3058
Steven G MacLagan5153Castlehill
Stuart Burrell24309St Andrews
Stuart Clark12036
Sven Bartels3139
Sylvia Mudie29461Newport Knights
T Fort3967St Andrews
Tavis R Reddick5725Kirkcaldy
Thomas Meany15134Perth
Tom Brown6579Perth
Tom Elsden12698Perth
Tommy Sutherland26930Dundee
Trevor Stranock6149Castlehill
Vincent Wolowski11997Castlehill
Vivien R Easson3830
W Cant3431Kirkcaldy
Walter DeJong11855Dundee
Walter Jablonski4462Kirkcaldy
William Brand8098
William Clarke3527Kirkcaldy
William Green4188Castlehill
William MacDonald15002Perth
Y Malango4844St Andrews
Yu-shi Chang6642St Andrews
Zhi Jain Li12566Castlehill